Crate oxc_parser

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Oxc Parser for JavaScript and TypeScript


The following optimization techniques are used:

  • AST is allocated in a memory arena (bumpalo) for fast AST drop
  • Short strings are inlined by CompactString
  • No other heap allocations are done expect the above two
  • SIMD is used for skipping whitespace and multiline comments
  • oxc_ast::Span offsets uses u32 instead of usize
  • Scope binding, symbol resolution and complicated syntax errors are not done in the parser, they are deligated to the semantic analyzer


The parser parses all of Test262 and most of Babel and TypeScript parser conformance tests.

See oxc coverage for details

Test262 Summary:
AST Parsed     : 44000/44000 (100.00%)

Babel Summary:
AST Parsed     : 2065/2071 (99.71%)

TypeScript Summary:
AST Parsed     : 2337/2337 (100.00%)


The parser has a minimal API with three inputs and one return struct (ParserReturn).

let parser_return = Parser::new(&allocator, &source_text, source_type).parse();


use std::{env, path::Path};

use oxc_allocator::Allocator;
use oxc_ast::SourceType;
use oxc_parser::Parser;

// Instruction:
// create a `test.js`,
// run `cargo run -p oxc_parser --example parser`
// or `cargo watch -x "run -p oxc_parser --example parser"`

fn main() {
    let name = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "test.js".to_string());
    let path = Path::new(&name);
    let source_text = std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("{name} not found"));
    let allocator = Allocator::default();
    let source_type = SourceType::from_path(path).unwrap();
    let ret = Parser::new(&allocator, &source_text, source_type).parse();

    if ret.errors.is_empty() {
        println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&ret.program).unwrap());
        println!("Parsed Successfully.");
    } else {
        for error in ret.errors {
            let error = error.with_source_code(source_text.clone());


See [oxc_ast::visit::Visit] and [oxc_ast::visit_mut::VisitMut]

Visiting without a visitor

For ad-hoc tasks, the semantic analyzer can be used to get a parent pointing tree with untyped nodes, the nodes can be iterated through a sequential loop.

for node in semantic.nodes().iter() {
    match node.get().kind() {
        // check node

See full linter example


  • Recursive Descent Parser for ECMAScript and TypeScript
  • Return value of parser consisting of AST, errors and comments